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Making condoms accessible for all.

We want to make getting hold of condoms easy, discreet, and affordable. Do you struggle to afford condoms at retail price? Are you embarrassed to buy condoms in a shop? We can help you get condoms.

If you make a donation of 6 EUR to Doctors for Choice, we will send you ten male condoms in the post in a discreet package. All our condoms are CE marked, are of regular thickness, and are made of latex. We only post locally to Malta and Gozo, and it may take us up to seven days to send the condoms.

Click here to request condoms and donate.

If you are unable to afford the donation, we may also be able to help. Fill in the form by clicking above and then send us an email on

Would you like a larger number of condoms for events to promote contraception? Send us an email on and we may be able to help.

Importanti: L-FPAS għandu l-għan li jipprovdi informazzjoni preċiża u affidabbli skond il-kapaċitajiet tal-voluntiera tagħna. Madankollu, il-parir tal-FPAS mhuwiex parir mediku formali, u m'għandux jitqies bħala tali. Jekk trid parir mediku formali għandek tkellem lit-tabib tiegħek. Nistgħu nirreferuk ukoll għal tobba magħrufa magħna jekk tixtieq.

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