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Pregnancy Support Services in Malta

If you would like to continue the pregnancy there are a number of services in Malta that can help you stay healthy during the pregnancy. Some services can support you if you have financial or social problems.

It is important to speak with a GP if you find out you are pregnant, so that you are referred for ante-natal care at the Obstetrics Outpatient Clinic, Mater Dei Hospital.

As part of ante-natal care your doctor will give you advice on how you can keep healthy during pregnancy. This advice includes:


  • Healthy eating and exercise

  • Information on supplements

  • Stopping smoking, alcohol and other recreational drug use

  • Whether any medication you’re taking is safe during pregnancy

  • Getting advice and tests for sexually transmitted infections if needed

You will also have ultrasound scans as part of ante-natal care to make sure your pregnancy is progressing as expected. Please note that due to abortion being very restricted in Malta, you will need to seek help abroad if your fetus is found to have an anomaly and you wish to terminate the pregnancy. Abortion Support Network may be able to help you in these cases.


For information about services offered by FPAS, click here. We also provide free pregnancy tests to those who need them.

The following are organisations that can offer help and support during and after pregnancy.  Please note that these are state services or NGOs which are independent from us.  While some professionals might be pro-choice, others may not be.

Parentcraft offer tailor-made courses for pregnant persons and their partners both in early pregnancy, late pregnancy and after birth.  They also offer a helpline - 25455124, where clients can call in, to ask help for any problem, both during pregnancy or after delivery.

Benniena forms part of the Mater Dei Social Work Service (Foundation for Social Welfare Services) and offers a comprehensive service to pregnant women experiencing crises due to their pregnancy. The social worker offers information and the interventions necessary related to the problems the pregnant woman would be facing during such situations. Contact number for Social Welfare: 22959000

The Y-Assist initiative is a joint initiative of The Malta Trust Foundation and the St Jeanne Antide Foundation. The service includes supported accommodation for vulnerable pregnant women and vulnerable young mothers with children under 16.  Contact numbers: 21809011 / 21808981 / 27672367

Servizz Għożża is a support service and an educational programme offered by the Ministry of Education to unmarried pregnant minors with the intention of leading them to adopt a positive attitude towards motherhood while empowering them to pursue their career paths.  They offer a programme for pregnant minors, a counselling service for the pregnant girl, her partner and their respective families, a mother and baby support group and facilitate contacts with relevant organisations and services.  Contact number: 25986145/6/7

Perinatal Mental Health Clinic forms part of the Ante-natal Clinic at Mater Dei Hospital and offer support to pregnant women and new mothers and their families who are experiencing emotional and psychological difficulties.  This specialised service may be contacted on 25457410.

The Social Security Department will provide information and support on any government benefits you might be entitled to including maternity benefit and children’s allowance.  Call on freephone 153.

Avoid any services provided by openly anti-choice groups in Malta, such as LifeNetwork Foundation and its helpline Life Line Malta. Such organisations openly spread misinformation about abortion and contraception to discourage women from using such services. If you think you might have an abortion, stay away from such organisations and services.


Please note: FPAS aims to provide accurate and reliable information to the best of our volunteers' abilities. However, FPAS advice is not formal medical advice, and should not be considered as such. If you want formal medical advice you should speak to your doctor. We could also refer you to doctors known to us if you wish.

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